While many studies and papers discuss the many benefits that one might find when stopping drinking alcohol, we wanted to know from first-hand experience of consumers who usually skip on it.
Recently we asked on our Instagram what's the best side effect of not drinking (or drinking less) alcohol and opting for alcohol-free alternatives, and we got some great responses from our audience.
Here are some of the best benefits that people might find when reducing their consumption of alcohol:
…"I always feel fresh"
..."No weight gain"
..."Not sending random texts that I will regret later"
..."Wake up without a hangover"
..."I always feel ready to seize the day"
..."I get to drink REBELS 0.0% instead"
..."I have better skin"
..."I'm more aware of what I do"
There are many reasons why it might be a good idea to reduce the consumption of alcohol, but the most important one is that you have the freedom of choice to do so!
And if you still have the urge to have a fancy drink here and there, you can always check our alcohol-free products.